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Team Members

Gerardo Benito

Gerardo Benito

Research Professor at MNCN-CSIC. Team Leader

Tamir  Grodek

Tamir Grodek

Researcher lecturer at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Daniel Vazquez Tarrio

Daniel Vazquez Tarrio

Research Scientists at IGME

Yolanda Sanchez-Moya

Yolanda Sanchez-Moya

Full Professor at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC-UCM)

Maria J. Machado

Maria J. Machado

Post Doc at MNCN-CSIC

Mapi Rabanaque Yuste

Mapi Rabanaque Yuste

PhD Student at MNCN-CSIC

Isabel Rodriguez Veiga

Isabel Rodriguez Veiga

PhD Student at CIEMAT

Juan A. Ballesteros

Juan A. Ballesteros

Research Scientist at MNCN-CSIC

Ernesto Tejedor

Ernesto Tejedor

Marie Skłodowska-Curie at MNCN-CSIC

Mikel Calle Navarro

Mikel Calle Navarro

Assistant Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Alfonso Sopeña

Alfonso Sopeña

Research Professor at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC-UCM)

Alberto Muñoz Torrero

Alberto Muñoz Torrero

GIS and Remote Sensing specialist at the MNCN

Paula Gómez García

Paula Gómez García

PhD Student at MNCN-CSIC

Ishel Marsal Twose

Ishel Marsal Twose

Master student at MNCN-CSIC

Juan Pablo Corella

Juan Pablo Corella

Research Scientist at MNCN-CSIC

Miguel Bartolomé Úcar

Miguel Bartolomé Úcar

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at MNCN

Vanesa Martínez-Fernández

Vanesa Martínez-Fernández

Assistant Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Noam Greenbaum

Noam Greenbaum

Associated Professor at University of Haifa

Joe David Zambrano Suarez

Joe David Zambrano Suarez

AI-Machine learning specialist at the MNCN-CSIC

Jaime Boyano

Jaime Boyano

PhD Student at MNCN-CSIC

Carlos Naharro

Carlos Naharro

Former Master student at MNCN-CSIC


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC; Serrano 115bis; 28006 Madrid.


Prof. Gerardo Benito

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