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Gerardo Benito and Juan A. Ballesteros-Cánovas gave a talk on the Impacts of ¨Climate Variability and Climate Change on Flooding¨at the National School of Civil Protection

New study on the climate of the Pyrenees!

Climate of the Pyrenees: Extremes indices and long-term trends, published in STOTEN, with Ernesto Tejedor as a coauthor.

Las altas montañas son más vulnerables y sensibles al cambio climático

Juan Antonio Ballesteros is interviewed in 'El' with regard to their studies on rockfalls and climate change in the Alps and the Pyrenees

100 years of monitoring in the Swiss National Park reveals overall decreasing rock glacier velocities

Deciphering Rockfall Dynamics: Insights by M. Stoffel and our team member J.A. Ballesteros in Nature Geoscience

The ExTREEM project is featured in Heraldo de Aragon

The summer temperatures of 2022 in the Iberian Peninsula are unprecedented in the last 700 years.

New paper published in Atmospheric Research

Pablo Corella is going on an expedition to Antarctica!


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC; Serrano 115bis; 28006 Madrid.


Prof. Gerardo Benito

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