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Towards a climate-resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees

Principal Investigator: Juan A. Ballesteros  (PI MNCN-CSIC)

Time Frame: 2024 - 2031

Budget: 170.000€

Funding Agency: European Union


In June 2023, the application to the Life project Pyrenees4clima “Towards a climate-resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees” was approved by the European Union. This project, led by the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory, has 46 Spanish, French and Andorran partners, including the Pirineos-Pyrenees EGTC, and will run from October 2023 to December 2030. The project has a budget of 19,518,018 euros, of which 11,710,810.80 euros (60% of the total budget) will be subsidised by the European Union. The main objective of the project is to implement the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy (EPiCC), the first European climate change strategy specifically designed for a cross-border mountain bioregion. The implementation of the project is organised in 10 working groups; the MNCN-CSIC participates in working group 5 (WP5) "population and territory: responding to the identified vulnerability of the increased incidence of risks in high mountains related to increased climate variability". The LIFE Programme is the only EU financial instrument exclusively dedicated to environment and climate action and is one of the main contributors to the European Green Pact. The PYRENEES4CLIMA project is part of the Strategic Integrated Projects (SIP) programme to support the monitoring, development and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

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