Impact of Climate Change on floods
Principal Investigator: Gerardo Benito
Time Frame: 2022-2026
Budget: 80,000€/ year
Funding Agency: General Directorate of Water, Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
This project aims to determine the hydrological response of river floods in past periods of high climatic variability, to be used as analogues of possible flood events within the context of climate change indicated by the IPCC. As an approach to this complex problem, the aim is to identify current extreme weather events that increase in frequency or intensity under conditions of climate change, and to study the effects, magnitude and frequency of floods from similar events in the past (last 1000 years). From this information on peak flows and their succession over time, frequency laws are obtained under current conditions and in situations of climate change, to determine how this affects the delimitation of flood zones and risk maps. This information is used as support and recommendations for the methodology to be implemented during the third cycle of the study of the Areas of Potential Significant Risk (ARPSIs) in relation to the impacts of climate change on floods.
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